(45) – باب زيارة أهل الخير ومجالستهم وصحبتهم ومحبتهم وطلب زيارتهم والدعاء منهم وزيارة المواضع الفاضلة
(45) – Visiting the Pious Persons, loving them and adoption of their company
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Riyad as-Saliheen 372

Usair bin 'Amr (Ibn Jabir) reported:
When delegations from Yemen came to the help of (the Muslim army at the time of Jihad) 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) would ask them, "Is there Owais bin 'Amir amongst you?" (He continued searching him) until he met Owais (May Allah be pleased with him). He said, "Are you Owais bin 'Amir?" He said, "Yes". 'Umar asked, "Are you from the Qaran branch of the tribe of Murad?" He said, "Yes". He 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) again said, "Did you suffer from leucoderma and then you were cured from it but for the space of a dirham?" He said, "Yes". He 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "Is your mother still alive?" He said, "Yes". He 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying, 'There would come to you Owais bin 'Amir with the reinforcement from the people of Yemen. He would be from Qaran (the branch) of Murad. He had been suffering from leucoderma from which he was cured but for a spot of a dirham. He has a mother to whom he is very dutiful. If he were to take an oath in the Name of Allah, Allah would fulfill his oath. And if it is possible for you, ask him to ask forgiveness for you.' So, ask forgiveness for me". He Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) did so. 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) then said, "Where do you intend to go?" He said, "To Kufah." He 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "Let me write a letter for you to its governor," whereupon he Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I love to live amongst the poor people". The following year, a person from among the elite (of Kufah) performed Hajj and he met 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him). 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) asked him about Owais (May Allah be pleased with him). He said, "I left him in a state with meagre means of sustenance in a decayed house." (Thereupon) 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying, 'There would come to you Owais bin 'Amir of Qaran, a branch (of the tribe) of Murad, along with the reinforcement of the people of Yemen. He had been suffering from leucoderma which would have been cured but for the space of a dirham. He has a mother to whom he is very dutiful. Were he to swear, trusting Allah, for something, Allah would fulfill his oath. If you can ask him to pray for forgiveness for you, do so". This man went to Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) and asked him to pray for forgiveness for him. Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) said to him, "You have just returned from a blessed journey, it is you who should pray for forgiveness for me; and did you meet 'Umar?" The man said, "Yes". 'Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) then prayed for forgiveness for him. People became aware of the high status of Owais (May Allah be pleased with him) and he set out following his course.


Another narration is: A delegation from Kufah came to 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him). Among them was one who used to make fun of Owais (May Allah be pleased with him). 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) enquired, "Is there anyone among you who is from Qaran?" So this man stepped forward. Then 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying, 'A man will come to you from Yemen named Owais. He will have left in the Yemen only his mother. He was suffering from leucoderma and prayed to Allah to be cured of it. So he was cured except for a space of the size of a dinar or a dirham. Whoever of you should meet him should ask him to pray for forgiveness for him."'

Another narration is: 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "I heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying, 'The best one of the next generation (At-Tabi'un) is a man called Owais, he will have a mother and he will be suffering from leucoderma. Go to him and ask him to pray for forgiveness for you".


وعن أُسَير بن عمرو ويقال": ابن جابر وهو "بضم الهمزة وفتح السين المهملة" قال: كان عمر بن الخطاب إذا أتى عليه أمداد أهل اليمن سألهم: أفيكم أويس بن عامر؟ حتى أتى على أويس رضي الله عنه ، فقال له: أنت أويس بن عامر؟ قال: نعم، قال: من مراد ثم من قرن؟ قال: نعم قال: فكان بك برص، فبرأت منه إلا موضع درهم؟ قال نعم قال: لك والدة؟ قال : نعم، قال : سمعت رسول الله ﷺ يقول "يأتي عليكم أويس بن عامر مع أمداد أهل اليمن من مراد، ثم من قرن كان به برص، فبرأ منه إلا موضع درهم، له والدة هو بها بر لو أقسم على الله لأبره، فإن استطعت أن يستغفر لك فافعل" فاستغفر لي فاستغفر له، فقال له عمر: أين تريد؟ قال: الكوفة، قال: ألا أكتب لك إلى عاملها؟ قال: أكون في غبراء الناس أحب إلي، فلما كان من العام المقبل حج رجل من أشرافهم، فوافق عمر، فسأله عن أويس، فقال: تركته رث البيت قليل المتاع، قال: سمعت رسول الله يقول: يأتي عليكم أويس بن عامر مع أمداد من أهل اليمن من مراد ، ثم من قرن، كان به برص فبرأ منه إلا موضع درهم، له والدة هو بها بر لو أقسم على الله لأبره، فإن استطعت أن يستغفر لك : فافعل، فأتى أويسًا، فقال استغفر لي قال: أنت أحدث عهدًا بسفر صالح، فاستغفر لي. قال: لقيت عمر؟ قال: نعم، فاستغفر له، ففطن له الناس، فانطلق على وجهه. ((رواه مسلم)). وفي رواية لمسلم أيضًا عن أُسِير بن جابر رضي الله عنه أن أهل الكوفة وفدوا على عمر رضي الله عنه ، وفيهم رجل ممن كان يسخر بأويس، فقال عمر: هل هاهنا أحد من القرنين؟ فجاء ذلك الرجل، فقال عمر: إن رسول الله ﷺ قد قال:"إن رجلا يأتيكم من اليمن يقال له : أويس، لا يدع باليمن غير أم له، قد كان به بياض فدعا الله تعالى، فأذهبه إلا موضع الدينار أو الدرهم ، فمن لقيه منكم، فليستغفر لكم".وفي رواية له عن عمر رضي الله عنه قال: "إنى سمعت رسول الله ﷺ يقول: "إن خير التابعين رجل يقال له: أويس: وله والدة وكان به بياض، فمروه، فليستغفر لكم".


Sahih (Authentic)