
About is an ad-free website that serves thousands of Muslims daily and others who're in search for the truth.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


All praise is due to Allāh ﷻ who has allowed me to start this website back in 2014 / 1435H. Without His ﷻ permission, I would certainly not be able to do it.

The website started as a Qur'an contemplation and memorization/revision tool when all the other tools available at the time were very limited. The site then slowly grew and continues to grow, Alhamdullilah.


Every project needs motivation; without it, progress stops. Our primary motivation, beyond the spiritual reward of sadaqa-tul jaariyaa (ongoing charity), is authenticity—helping Muslims strengthen their connection to the true teachings of Islam. In today’s era, especially with the rise of social media, misinformation and conflicting ideas have clouded people's natural disposition (fitrah). We are committed to offering the most authentic knowledge, rooted in the Noble Qurʾān, Ahaadith, athaar, and the understandings of the early righteous predecessors.

Today, our site serves thousands of users worldwide daily. People visit for various purposes, such as:

  • Searching the Ahaadith of our beloved Prophet ﷺ
  • Reciting the Noble Qurʾān
  • Researching Islamic topics with confidence, knowing the information is based on authentic Sunni traditions, or clearly marked otherwise (e.g., visual indicators for weak or fabricated Ahaadith)
  • Tracking their Qurʾān memorization
  • Receiving assistance in daily Qurʾān revision, including recommendations on which Surah to revise next, with AI support for personalized suggestions
  • Reading clear and well-researched articles backed by authentic sources, with citations in the footnotes
  • Creating personalized collections of Qurʾānic verses, Ahaadith, and articles

In sha' Allāh, We remain dedicated to expanding the site's features to further benefit the Muslim community and help non-Muslims discover the truth and embrace Islam as their ultimate faith.

We ask Allāh Glory be to Him to accept this from us and whoever contributed to the project


Our objectives have been clear from the start. This website exists for several key reasons, including:

  • Offering an ad-free platform for authentic Islamic resources
  • Investing in technological features that benefit Muslims worldwide
  • Developing a powerful search engine that easily distinguishes authentic narrations from the weak ones
  • Writing clear, unambiguous articles based on pure Sunni traditions and the authentic statements of early predecessors
  • Continuously cleaning our data to remove tainted information and correcting any spelling or translation errors
  • Providing the option to print content for sharing with local communities, such as mosques, in paper format
  • Ensuring our users' data is secure, and never sharing personal information with anyone, for money or any other reason


Authenticity is a cornerstone of this website, and we take it with the utmost seriousness. We believe that knowingly providing inauthentic information is a betrayal of our users' trust.

We make every effort to ensure that all our resources—whether tafseers, translations, ḥadīth, or articles—are as authentic as possible. For example, we have removed several books in the past. Each tafseer is thoroughly researched upon before being added to the Qurʾān section.

Below is a list of important points regarding books and data that have been removed, not included, or require special consideration. You can refer to these when contacting us with questions:

  1. Tanwīr al-Miqbās min Tafsīr Ibn ′Abbās, which is falsely attributed to Ibn ′Abbās (RA). After researching in detail and consulting scholars, we found that it may contain many fabricated aḥādīth, so we chose not to include it.
  2. We only use Tafheem-ul-Qurʾān by Syed Abul Ala Maududi for its introduction sections, as they offer valuable insights into the Qurʾān. However, it is not included as a full tafseer due to its criticism of Uthmān (RA), the third caliph of Islam, and its problematic views on ad-Dajjal, Ya'juj and Maj'uj. Based on advice from respected scholars, we have removed it for these reasons. Please note, we are not against Maulana Maududi, but we cannot promote material that criticizes the companions of the Prophet ﷺ.
  3. The unaltered translation of the Qurʾān, The Holy Qurʾān by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, is available on our site. However, the author's footnotes have not been included due to serious issues related to aqeedah found within them, as highlighted by respectable scholars.

We understand that you may not agree with every point listed. Our intention is not to create division or stir controversy—quite the opposite. Our goal is to unite Muslims around authentic traditions. If you disagree with any of the points, we kindly ask for your understanding, as these decisions have been made thoughtfully and with a focus on preserving authenticity.

Please note that our aim is not to create a comprehensive library containing both truth and falsehood. We are striving to build a platform that offers only reliable, fully trustworthy content, all of which can be cross-checked for authenticity. This website is not intended for generating revenue through ads, clicks, or views, but to provide a space where users can find authentic knowledge without having to sift through unreliable sources online.

Of course, as human beings, we are not infallible. If you come across any content on our site that is inauthentic or potentially harmful to the faith (′aqeedah), please reach out to us via email with evidence. We will promptly review the issue and, if necessary, remove the content, providing clarification on social media if required.



Qurʾān section of the page was designed to allow you to:

  • Read Qurʾān right from the Mus'haf
  • Read translations and tafseer of reliable scholars
  • Word for word translations of Qurʾānic words in 10 different languages
  • Recite ayah by ayah.
  • Memorization tools (repeated recitations, memorization tracker etc).
  • Revision tracker from a hafiz with proven revision program.
  • Advanced search engine and bookmark ayaat with your favourite translations.
  • Surah Info for each surah sourced from well-estabilished books.
  • Bookmark ayaat or add them to your collections for later retrieval
  • A lot of other Qurʾān tools to help you study Qurʾān, research, memorize etc.


  • Please take some time to explore as there are many small features but all of them cannot be listed here
  • The entire text of the Qur'an, as well as most of the translations, used in the Qur'an section are provided by the Tanzil online collaborative project. We do not edit any of their content. Please check online Qurʾān on the Tanzil's website and verify if you observe the same error.
  • If you see an error, the likely cause of those errors is your browser and how it renders the font.
  • "Introduction" on surah Info is based on "The Clear Qurʾān" by Dr. Mustaffa Khattāb.
  • The Mus'haf pages are sourced from images provided by King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an (مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف) in Medinah.


Ḥadīth section helps you to browse through various collections of aḥādīth and search aḥādīth in English and Arabic from a wide-collections of ḥadīth books, including:

  • Sahih al-Bukhari
  • Sahih Muslim
  • Imam Malik's Muwatta
  • Jami' at-Tirmidhi
  • Sunan Ibn Majah
  • Sunan an-Nasai (a.k.a Al-Sunan al-Sughra)
  • Sunan Abu Dawood
  • Collection of Ḥadīth Qudsi
  • Collection of Imam Nawawi's 40 Ḥadīths
  • Riyad Us Saliheen by Imam Nawawi
  • Shama'il Muḥammadiyah by Imaam at-Tirmidhi
  • Al-Adab Al-Mufrad by Imaam al-Bukhari

We are trying to include more collections but as you can imagine, this is a huge task, especially with a lot of data available online, we need to keep up with our original mission (i.e, authenticity) and make it public accessible only once we are satisfied.


Initial ḥadīth grading was based on two sources, Darussalam Publication (i.e., Sheikh Zubair 'Ali Zai) and Sheikh al-Albāni.

  • Jami' at-Tirmidhi: Darussalam Publications
  • Sunan an-Nasai: Darussalam Publications
  • Sunan Abu Dawood: Sheikh Al-Albāni
  • Sunan Ibn Majah: Darussalam Publications

As part of our continuous improvements, when we find a classification from an authentic source (mainly Darussalām Publications, i.e, Sheikh Zubair `Ali Zai), we change it accordingly.

Classification colours are visual indication of the ḥadīth authenticity and reliability. They are only for indicative purposes, you should ask a ḥadīth scholar the meaning of the terms that are not usually used e.g, munqati etc. If you find any misleading colour (e.g, green where it should be red) please let us know.


When you look at a ḥadīth (for example Sahih al-Bukhari 6321), you may find various numbers in References sections. These numbers represent various types of references used by various publishers. Our main referencing style is based on Darussalam Publications which is also international numbering scheme.


Amrayn Articles are small to medium sized articles for our Muslim brothers and sisters, to remind them for their obligations and rulings on certain matters backed by authentic sources and understandings of our salaf. Please bear in mind that all the articles are backed up by Qur'an and sunnah upon understandings of salaf, I do not introduce new ideas or doubts in Muslims. They are well established interpretation of the salaf of this ummah. When reading the articles, please read them with unbiased mindset to understand them better.


I am only a student who look up to our noble scholars who had great piety and taqwa of Allāh. This is because Allāh (subhanahu wa ta'ala) said:

يَرْفَعِ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مِنكُمْ وَٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلْعِلْمَ دَرَجَٰتٍ

those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.

Surah Al-Mujādilah 58:11

Mistakes are inevitable and we request people of knowledge to correct us if we are wrong (along with your evidences).

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Contact Us

Please feel free to drop us an email to info [at] and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact us via Whatsapp. The number can be found on our Facebook page.

Our Request

We have put years into this project. This is all done for the sake of Allāh Glory be to Him. We ask Allāh Glory be to Him to accept it from everyone who was involved. All we ask from you is to spread the word and share this website to your friends and family.

Jazaakumullah Khayran wa Baarak Allāh Feekum wasalām wa rahamatullahi wa barakaatuh