
Excellence of Generosity and Spending in a Good cause with Reliance on Allah

باب الكرم والجود والإنفاق فى وجوه الخير ثقة بالله تعالى

Riyad as-Saliheen, Book of Miscellany(view book)

Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet ﷺ said, "Envy is permitted only in two cases: A man whom Allah gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully, and a man to whom Allah gives knowledge which he applies and teaches it."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه عن النبي ﷺ قال: "لا حسد إلا فى اثنتين: رجل آتاه الله مالاً، فسلطه على هلكته فى الحق، ورجل آتاه الله حكمة، فهو يقضي بها ويعلمها" ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked, "Who of you loves the wealth of his heir more than his own wealth?" The Companions said: "O Messenger of Allah! There is none of us but loves his own wealth more." He ﷺ said, "His wealth is that which he has sent forward, but that which he retains belongs to his heir."


وعنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : “أيكم مال وارثه أحب إليه من ماله؟” قالوا: يا رسول الله، ما منا أحد إلا ماله أحب إليه. قال: "فإن ماله ما قدم ومال وارثه ما أخر" ((رواه البخاري)).


Sahih (Authentic)

'Adi bin Hatim (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Protect yourself from Hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعن عدى بن حاتم رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: "اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة" ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ never said 'no' to anyone who asked him for anything.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعن جابر رضي الله عنه قال: ما سئل رسول الله ﷺ شيئاً قط فقال: لا. ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Everyday two angels descend and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate (more) to the person who gives (in charity)'; while the other one says, 'O Allah! Destroy the one who withholds (charity, etc)".


وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : " ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما: اللهم أعط منفقاً خلفاً، ويقول الآخر: اللهم أعط ممسكاً تلفاً" ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Allah, the Exalted, says, 'Spend, O son of Adam, you will also be spent upon."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعنه أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: “قال الله تعالى: انفق يا ابن آدم ينفق عليك” ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'as (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:
A man asked Messenger of Allah ﷺ, "Which act in Islam is the best?" He ﷺ replied, "To feed (the poor and the needy) and to greet those whom you know and those you do not know."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص رضي الله عنهما أن رجلاً سأل رسول الله ﷺ : أى الإسلام خير؟ قال: "تطعم الطعام، وتقرأ السلام على من عرفت ومن لم تعرف". ((متفق عليه)).


Sahih (Authentic)

'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "There are forty kinds of virtue, the highest of which is to gift a (milch) she goat. He who practises any of these virtues, expecting its reward (from Allah) and believing on the verity of the promise made for it, will enter Jannah."


وعنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ “أربعون خصلة أعلاها منيحة العنز ما من عامل يعمل بخصلة منها رجاء ثوابها وتصديق موعودها إلا أدخله الله تعالى بها الجنة” ((رواه البخاري. وقد سبق بيان هذا الحديث فى باب بيان كثرة طرق الخير)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "O son of Adam, if you spend the surplus, it will be better for you; and if you retain it, it will be bad for you. You will not be reprimanded for keeping what is enough for your need. Begin with those who are your dependents, and the upper hand (i.e., the one that spends in the way of Allah) is better than the lower hand (i.e., the one that receives charity.)"


وعن أبي أمامة صدى بن عجلان رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : “يا ابن آدم إنك أن تبذل الفضل خير لك، وأن تمسكه شر لك، ولا تلام على كفاف، وابدأ يمن تعول واليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى" ((رواه مسلم)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Whenever the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked a thing by one who is about to accept Islam but he would give it. A man came to the Prophet ﷺ and he gave him a herd of sheep scattered between two mountains. When he returned to his people, he said to them: "O my people! Embrace Islam because Muhammad gives like one who has no fear of poverty." Some people would embrace Islam only for worldly gains, but soon Islam becomes dearer to them than the world with all what it contains.


وعن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: ما سئل رسول الله ﷺ على الإسلام شيئاً إلا أعطاه، ولقد جاءه رجل، فأعطاه غنماً بين جبلين فرجع إلى قومه فقال: يا قوم أسلموا، فإن محمداً يعطى من لا يخشى الفقر، وإن كان الرجل ليسلم ما يريد إلا الدنيا، فما يلبث إلا يسيراً حتى يكون الإسلام أحب إليه من الدنيا وما عليها”. ((رواه مسلم)).


Sahih (Authentic)

'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ distributed some wealth and I said to him, "O Messenger of Allah! Do you not think that there are other people who are more deserving than these whom you gave." He ﷺ said, "They had, in fact, left no alternative for me except either they should beg of me importunately or they would regard me as a miser; but I am not a miser."


وعن عمر رضي الله عنه قال: قسم رسول الله ﷺ قسماً، فقلت: يا رسول الله لغير هؤلاء كانوا أحق به منهم؟ فقال: "إنهم خيروني أن يسألوني بالفحش فأعطيهم، أو يبخلوني، ولست بباخل" . ((رواه مسلم)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Jubair bin Mut'im (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
While I was walking with the Prophet ﷺ on his return from the battle of Hunain, a few bedouins caught hold of him and began to demand their shares. They forced him to a tree and someone snatched away his cloak (which got entangled in that thorny tree). The Prophet ﷺ said, "Give my cloak back to me. Were I to have camels equal to the number of these trees, I would have distributed them all among you, and you would not have found me a miser, or a liar, or a coward."


وعن جبير بن مطعم رضي الله عنه أنه قال: بينما هو يسير مع النبي ﷺ مقفله من حنين، فعلقه الأعراب يسألونه، حتى اضطروه إلى سمرة، فخطفت رداءه، فوقف النبي ﷺ فقال: “أعطونى ردائى، فلو كان لى عدد هذه العضاة نعماً، لقسمته بينكم، ثم لا تجدونى بخيلاً ولا كذاباً ولا جباناً ((رواه البخاري)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Wealth is not diminished by giving (in charity). Allah augments the honour of one who forgives; and one who displays humbleness towards another seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah exalts him in ranks."


وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: “ما نقصت صدقة من مال، وما زاد الله عبداً بعفو إلا عزاً، وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله عز وجل” ((رواه مسلم)).


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Kabshah 'Amr bin Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "I swear by Allah for three (qualities) which I am going to tell you about. Remember them well:

(1) The wealth of a man will not diminish by Sadaqah (charity).

(2) Allah augments the honour of a man who endures an oppression patiently.

(3) He who opens a gate of begging, Allah opens a gate of poverty (or he said a word similar to it)."

He ﷺ also said, "Remember well what I am going to tell you: The world is for four kinds of people. (1) One upon whom Allah has bestowed wealth and knowledge and so he fears his Rubb in respect to them, joins the ties of blood relationship and acknowledges the Rights of Allah on him (and fulfills them), this type will have the best position (in Jannah). (2) One upon whom Allah has conferred knowledge but no wealth, and he is sincere in his intention and says: 'Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so.' If that is his intention, his reward is the same as that of the other. (3) One whom Allah has given wealth but no knowledge and he squanders his wealth ignorantly, does not fear Allah in respect to it, does not discharge the obligations of kinship and does not acknowledge the Rights of Allah. Such a person will be in the worst position (in the Hereafter). (4) One upon whom Allah has bestowed neither wealth nor knowledge and he says: 'Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so (i.e., he would squander his wealth).' If this is his intention, both will have equal sin."

[At- Tirmidhi].

وعن أبي كبشة عمرو بن سعد الأنمارى رضي الله عنه أنه سمع رسول الله ﷺ يقول: "ثلاثة أقسم عليهن وأحدثكم حديثاً فاحفظوه: ما نقص مال عبد من صدقة،ولا ظلم عبد مظلمة صبر عليها إلا زاده الله عزاً، ولا فتح عبد باب مسألة إلا فتح الله عليه باب فقر، أو كلمة نحوها وأحدثكم حديثاً فاحفظوه قال: إنما الدنيا لأربعة نفر: عبد رزقه الله مالاً وعلماً، فهو يتقى فيه ربه، ويصل فيه رحمه، ويعلم لله فيه حقاً فهذا بأفضل المنازل.وعبد رزقه الله علماً، ولم يرزقه مالاً فهو صادق النية يقول: لو أن لى مالاً لعملت بعمل فلان، فهو بنيته فأجرهما سواء.وعبد رزقه الله مالاً، ولم يرزقه علماً، فهو يخبط فى ماله بغير علم، لا يتقى فيه ربه ولا يصل فيه رحمه، ولا يعلم لله فيه حقاً، فهذا بأخبث المنازل.وعبد لم يرزقه الله مالاً ولا علماً، فهو يقول: لو أن لى مالاً لعملت فيه بعمل فلان، فهو بنيته، فوزرهما سواء” ((رواه الترمذى وقال: حديث حسن صحيح)).


No Data

'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ had slaughtered a sheep and distributed major portions of its meat. Then he ﷺ asked, "Is there anything left?" She replied, "Nothing, except the shoulder." Thereupon he said, "All of it is left except its shoulder."


وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها أنهم ذبحوا شاة، فقال النبي ﷺ : "ما بقى منها؟" قالت: ما بقى منها إلا كتفها، قال: “بقى كلها غير كتفها” ((رواه الترمذى وقال: حديث صحيح)).


No Data

Asma' bint Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me, "Do not hoard; otherwise, Allah will withhold from you."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعن أسماء بنت أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنهما قالت: قال لى رسول الله ﷺ : "لا توكى فيوكى عليك".


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
I heard Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying: "The case of a miserly man and a generous man who gives in charity is similar to that of two persons who are clad in armour from their breasts up to their collar bones. When the generous man gives in charity, his armour expands so much as to cover his fingertips and toes. When the miser intends to spend something the armour contracts and every ring of it sticks to the place where it is (sinks into his flesh). He tries to loosen it but it does not expand."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أنه سمع رسول الله ﷺ يقول: “مثل البخيل والمنفق، كمثل رجلين عليهما جنتان من حديد من ثديهما إلى ترا قيهما، فأما المنفق، فلا ينفق إلا سبغت، أو وفرت على جلده حتى تخفى بنانه، وتعفو أثره، وأما البخيل، فلا يريد أن ينفق شيئاً إلا لزقت كل حلقةْ مكانها، فهو يوسعها فلا تتسع” ((متفق عليه)) . و”الجنة” الدرع، ومعناه: أن المنفق كلما أنفق سبغت، وطالت حتى تجر وارءه، وتخفى رجليه وأثر مشيه وخطواته.


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "He who gives in charity the value of a date which he legally earned, and Allah accepts only that which is pure, Allah accepts it with His Right Hand and fosters it for him, as one of you fosters his mare, until it becomes like a mountain."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : "من تصدق بعدل تمرة من كسب طيب، ولا يقبل إلا الطيب، فإن الله يقبلها بيمينه، ثم يربيها لصاحبها كما يربى أحدكم فلوه حتى تكون مثل الجبل " ((متفق عليه)) “الفلو” بفتح الفاء وضم اللام وتشديد الواو، ويقال أيضاً: بكسر الفاء وإسكان اللام وتخفيف الواو: وهو المهر .


Sahih (Authentic)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet ﷺ said, "While a man was walking through a barren land, he heard a voice coming out of a cloud saying: 'Irrigate the garden of so-and- so.' Thereupon the cloud drifted in a certain direction and discharged its water over a rocky plain. The streamlets flowed into a channel. This man followed the channel until it reached a garden and he saw the owner of the garden standing in its center, working with his spade spreading the water (changing the course of the water). He asked him: "O slave of Allah, what is your name?" He told his name, which was the same that he heard from the cloud. The owner of the garden then asked him: "O slave of Allah, why did you ask my name?" He replied: "I heard a voice from a cloud which poured down this water saying: 'Irrigate the garden of so-and-so.' I would like to know what do you do with it." He said: "Now that you asked me, I will tell you. I estimate the produce of the garden and distribute one-third of it in charity, I spend one-third on myself and my family and invest one-third back into the garden."


وعنه عن النبي ﷺ قال: “بينما رجل يمشى بفلاة من الأرض، فسمع صوتاً فى سحابة: إسق حديقة فلان، فتنحى ذلك السحاب فأفرغ ماءه فى حرة، فإذا شرجة من تلك الشراح قد استوعبت ذلك الماء كله، فتتبع الماء، فإذا رجل قائم فى حديقته يحول الماء بمسحاته، فقال له: يا عبد الله ما اسمك ، قال: فلان للاسم الذى سمع فى السحابة، فقال له: يا عبد الله لم تسألني عن اسمي ؟ فقال: إنى سمعت صوتاً فى السحاب الذى هذا ماؤه يقول: اسق حديقة فلان لإسمك، فما تصنع فيها؟ فقال: أما إذا قلت هذا فإنى أنظر إلى ما يخرج منها، فأتصدق بثلثه، وآكل أنا وعيالى ثلثاً، وأرد فيها ثلثه ((رواه مسلم)). “الحرة” الأرض الملبسة حجارة سوداء. “والشرجة” بفتح الشين المعجمة وإسكان الراء وبالجيم: هى مسيل الماء.


Sahih (Authentic)