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Riyad as-Saliheen 1193

'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
When the last ten nights (of Ramadan) would begin, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would keep awake at night (for prayer and devotion), awaken his family and prepare himself to be more diligent in worship.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

وعنها رضي الله عنها، قالت: كان رسول الله ﷺ :
"إذا دخل العشر الأواخر من رمضان، أحيا الليلة، وأيقظ أهله، وجد وشد المئزر" ((متفق عليه)) .


Sahih (Authentic)


Riyad as-Saliheen 1193
Riyad as-Saliheen Book of Virtues, Hadith 203