
About Surah Al-A'raf

Surah Al-A'raf is the 7th surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means The Elevated Places. It has 206 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Makkah i.e., before Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah is spread across 2 juz/paaras. 8th juz contain verses 1-87, 9th juz contain verses 88-206.

Quick summary

Surah #
The Elevated Places
No. of ayaat
Revelation place
makkah Makkah
Revelation order
Sujood (al-tilaawah)
1 (Ayaah 206)
24 (Ayaah 10, 25, 31, 39, 47, 53, 58, 64, 72, 84, 93, 99, 108, 126, 129, 141, 147, 151, 157, 162, 171, 181, 188, 206)
Hizb break(s)
10 (Ayaah 1, 30, 46, 64, 87, 116, 141, 155, 170, 188)
Juz / paara
Juz 8 (Ayaat 1-87), Juz 9 (Ayaat 88-206)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran)
Pages ^
151 - 176(Open)
^ Qur'an printed at King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


This sûrah takes its name from the heights mentioned in verse 46. Like many other Meccan sûrahs, it recounts the stories of earlier prophets who were denied by their own people and how the deniers were eventually destroyed. As mentioned in the previous sûrah (6:10-11), these stories are meant to reassure the Prophet ﷺ and warn his people of Allāh's torment. The story of Satan's arrogance and Adam's temptation and fall are detailed, along with lessons for the believers to beware of Satan's whispers. Details about Paradise and Hell (verses 36-53) here are unmatched by any previous sûrah. The powerlessness of idols is further emphasized. Full obedience to Allāh and His prophets is stressed in this sûrah and the next.

Details from Tafheem-ul-Qurʾān


This Surah takes its name from vv. 46-47 in which mention of A'araf occurs.

Period of Revelation

A study of its contents clearly shows that the period of its revelation is about the same as that of AL-AN'AM, i.e., the last year of the Holy Prophet's life at Makkah, but it cannot be asserted with certainty which of these two was sent down earlier. Anyhow the manner of its admonition clearly indicates that it belongs to the same period. As both have the same historical background the reader should keep in view the preface to AL-AN'AM.

Topics of Discussion

The principal subject of this surah is "invitation to the Divine Message sent down to Muḥammad" ﷺ, which is couched in a warning. This is because the Messenger had spent a long time in admonishing the people of Makkah without any tangible effect on them. Nay, they had turned a deaf ear to his messige and become so obdurate and antagonistic that, in accordance with the Divine Design, the Messenger was going to be commanded to leave them and turn to other people. That is why they are being admonished to accept the Message but, at the same time, they are being warned in strong terms of the consequences that followed the wrong attitude of the former people towards their Messengers. Now that the Holy Prophet was going to migrate from Makkah the concluding portion of the address has been directed towards the people of the Book with whom he was going to come into contact. This meant that the time of migration was coming near and the "invitation" was going to be extended to mankind in general, and was not to be confined to his own people in particular as before. During the course of the address to the Jews, the consequences of their hypocritical conduct towards Prophethood have also been pointed out clearly, for they professed to believe in Prophet Moses but in practice opposed his teachings, disobeyed him and worshipped falsehood and consequently were afflicted with ignominy and disgrace.

At the end of the Surah, some instructions have been given to the Holy Prophet and his followers for carrying out the work of the propagation of Islam with wisdom. The most important of these is that they should show patience and exercise restraint in answer to the provocations of their opponents. Above all, they have been advised that under stress of the excitement of feeling, they should not take any wrung step that might harm their cause.