Ya Sin

About Surah Ya Sin

Surah Ya Sin is the 36th surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means Ya Sin. It has 83 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Makkah i.e., before Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah is spread across 2 juz/paaras. 22nd juz contain verses 1-27, 23rd juz contain verses 28-83.

Quick summary

Surah #
Ya Sin
No. of ayaat
Revelation place
makkah Makkah
Revelation order
5 (Ayaah 12, 32, 50, 67, 83)
Hizb break(s)
2 (Ayaah 27, 59)
Juz / paara
Juz 22 (Ayaat 1-27), Juz 23 (Ayaat 28-83)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran)
Pages ^
440 - 445(Open)
^ Qur'an printed at King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


This Meccan sûrah emphasizes the divine nature and purpose of the Qurʾān. The Arab pagans are reminded of the fate of earlier disbelievers and condemned for following Satan, denying the Resurrection, discrediting the Qurʾān, and rejecting the Prophet ﷺ as 'a poet.' Similar to the next sûrah, some examples of Allāh's wonders of creation are cited to prove His ability to bring the dead back to life.

Details from Tafheem-ul-Qurʾān


The Surah takes its name from the two letters of the alphabet with which it begins.

Period of Revelation

A study of the style shows that it was either sent down during the last stage of the middle Makkan period, or it is one of those Surahs, which were sent down during the last stage of the Holy Prophet's stay at Makkah.

Theme and Subject Matter

The object of the discourse is to warn the Quraish of the consequences of not believing in the Prophethood of Muḥammad (may Allāh's ﷺ) and of resisting and opposing it with tyranny, ridicule and mockery. The aspect of the warning is dominant and conspicuous although along with repeatedly giving the warnings, arguments also have been given for the correct understanding by the people.

Arguments have been given for three things

For tauhid, from the signs of the universe and from common sense; For the Hereafter, from the signs of the universe, from common sense and from man's own existence itself; For the Prophethood of the Prophet Muḥammad, from the fact that he was facing all kinds of hardships in the preaching of his message without any selfish motive, and from this that whatever he was inviting the people to was rational and reasonable, accepting which was in the people's own interest. On the strength of these arguments, themes of reprobation, reproof and warning have been presented repeatedly in a highly forceful manner, so that hearts are shaken up and those which have any capacity for accepting the truth left in them should not remain unmoved.

Imam Ahmad, Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibn Majah and Tabarani have related on the authority of Hadrat Ma'qil bin Yasar that the Holy Prophet said: "Surah Ya Sin is the heart of the Qurʾān." This is similar to describing the Surah Al Fatihah as the Umm al Qurʾān (the essence or core of the Qurʾān), because Al Fatihah contains the sum and substance of the teaching of the whole Qurʾān. The Surah Ya Sin has been called the throbbing heart of the Qurʾān because it presents the message of the Qurʾān in a most forceful manner, which breaks the inertness and stirs the spirit of man to action.

Again Imam Ahmad, Aba Da'ud and Ibn Majah have related from the same Ma'qil bin Yasar that the Holy Prophet said: "Recite Surah Ya Sin to the dying ones among you." The object is not only to revive and refresh the whole Islamic creed in the mind of the dying person but also bring before him, in particular, a complete picture of the Hereafter so that he may know what stages he would have to pass through after crossing the stage of this worldly life. In view of this, it would be desirable that along with the recitation of the Surah Ya Sin its translation also is made for the benefit of the person who does not know Arabic so that the purpose of the admonition is duly fulfilled.