(55) – باب تَفْضِيلِ الْحَلْقِ عَلَى التَّقْصِيرِ وَجَوَازِ التَّقْصِيرِ
(55) – Shaving the head is preferrable to cutting the hair, although cutting the hair is permissible
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Sahih Muslim 1301d

Ubaidullah reported this hadith with the same chain of transmitters and (it is said) that it was on the fourth turn that he (the Holy Prophet) said: (May Allah have mercy upon) those who got their hair clipped."

وَحَدَّثَنَاهُ ابْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَهَّابِ، حَدَّثَنَا عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ، بِهَذَا الإِسْنَادِ وَقَالَ فِي الْحَدِيثِ فَلَمَّا كَانَتِ الرَّابِعَةُ قَالَ " وَالْمُقَصِّرِينَ " .


Sahih (Authentic)