To break the weapons and to slaughter the animals of the deceased
باب مَنْ لَمْ يَرَ كَسْرَ السِّلاَحِ عِنْدَ الْمَوْتِ
Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)(view book)
Sahih al-Bukhari 2912
Narrated 'Amr bin Al-Harith:
The Prophet did not leave behind him after his death, anything except his arms, his white mule, and a piece of land at Khaibar which he left to be given in charity .
حَدَّثَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ عَبَّاسٍ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ سُفْيَانَ، عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْحَارِثِ، قَالَ مَا تَرَكَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ إِلاَّ سِلاَحَهُ وَبَغْلَةً بَيْضَاءَ وَأَرْضًا جَعَلَهَا صَدَقَةً.
Sahih (Authentic)