Some people raised doubts in authenticity of the book fitna at-takfeer and they said that it is not from Sh. Al-Albani . After this proof, in shaa Allāh, the doubt will be gone forever bi-idhnillah.
First doubt is that Sh. Al-Albani didn’t author it and that’s true, he didn’t write it, rather, it was a question that was asked to him and he gave this long answer of around 50 minutes 1. This book is, in fact, a word for word script of his answer.
The second doubt that was raised is footnotes by Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen and Sh. Bin Baz. This doubt was raised by people who thought that both shuyukh were of a different opinion on hukm beghaiyr maa anzala Allāh and the tafseer of Surah al-Maida 5:44. Again, Sh. Al-Albani’s answer and Sh. Bin Baz’s ta’leeq was read in front of Ibn Uthaymeen and he explained it.
May Allāh ﷻ have mercy on all of our ulema.
The 4 links I’m sharing here are:
- PDF that contains Sh. Al-Albani’s answers and Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen’s and Sh. Bin Baz’s footnotes [Download (1.3MB)]
- Translation in English [Download (370KB)]
- Sh. Al-Albani’s original audio [Listen]
- Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen’s original audio [Listen]
I advise brothers who haste in passing judgement and labelling people “murjia” to ponder upon the statements from early generation scholars. From these scholars are Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (Imam Ahlussunnah), Abu Hassan bin Abi Ya’la
and others
وأما الخوارج فإنهم يسمون أهل السنة والجماعة مرجئة وكذبت الخوارج بل هم المرجئة يذعمون انهم على ايمان وحقٍ دون الناس ومن خالفهم كافرٌ
As for the Khawarij, they name Ahl-us-sunnah wal-jamaa “Murjia” and the Khawarij lied, rather they are the Murjia, they claim emaan and haqq for themselves alone besides everyone else. And whoever opposes them is kaafir 2 3
This is not to say that I am labelling them as khawarij, rather this characteristic of theirs is from the characteristics of khawarij. To explain what Imam Ahmad is saying when he said, “rather they themselves are murjia”, we look at the definition of irjaa’ by Abdullah bin al-Mubaarak
ومن قال الإيمان قول وعمل يزيد وينقص فقد خرج من الإرجاء كله أوله وآخره
Whoever says Imaan is uttering of the tongue and actions of the limbs, it increases and decreases, indeed he has exited the irjaa fully, beginning of it and the end of it 4
إذا ترك الاستثناء فهو اصل الارجاء
Whoever leaves off “the exception”, that person is upon the foundation of al-irjaa 5
To explain the above quote, Meaning, whoever says “I’m a Mo’min”, he is upon the foundation of irjaa. But whoever says, “I hope to be a mo’min” or “I’m mo’min, in shaa Allāh” has left the foundation of irjaa’ (meaning is far away from being a murjee’).
I would also like to quote here the definition of al-Khawaarij by Abdullah bin al-Mubaarak
ومن قال الصلاة خلف كل بر وفاجر والجهاد مع كل خليفة ولم ير الخروج على السلطان بالسيف ودعا لهم بالصلاح فقد خرج من قول الخوارج أوله وآخره
And whoever agrees that salah is valid behind every muslim, whether he is a persistent sinner, or a pious person, and that jihad is valid with any caliph, and does not allow revolting against the ruler, instead makes dua for them, then he is free from the ways of khawarij, completely. 6
Lastly, I will say, I don’t have any personal gains from this, all of my efforts are done for 2 reasons:
- Amar bil Ma’roof wa nahi ‘anil-Munkar - for this is what we are commanded with and leaving this off threw previous nations in to destruction.
- I am keen for the opposing people to come back to the knowledge and the religion and leave off their false ideology 7 and leave off cutting-off from the inheritors of the Prophet ﷺ 8 (the Scholars ar-rabbaniyoon, ar-raasikhoon fil-ilm 9 10). This is because I love for my brothers what I love for myself and that is guidance. 11
May Allāh ﷻ grant us understanding and guidance and enable us to follow the truth and abstain from the misguidance.
- ^ The original gathering was around 3 hours that you can find in YouTube but we have cut it short to stick to the point
- ^ Tabaqāt al-Hanābila, Al-Qadi Abu Hassan Muḥammad bin Abi Ya’la (d. 458H), Arabic, Page 36
- ^ Ijma’ as-Salaf fil-i’tiqaad, Imam Harb bin Ismail Al-Karmaani (d. 280H, Student of Imam Ahmad), Dar Alemam Ahmed Publications, 2012CE/1433H, Page 99
- ^ Sharh as-Sunnah, Imam al-Barbahaari (d. 329H) page 132, point 159
- ^ Kitaab ash-Sharia, Imam Abu Bakr al-Ajuree (d. 320H) while he was quoting AbdurRahmaan al-Mahdi page 664
- ^ Sharh as-Sunnah, Imam al-Barbahaari (d. 329H) page 132, point 159
- ^ Sahih al-Bukhari 85
- ^ Sunan Abi Dawood, 3641
- ^ Surah aali-Imraan 3:7
- ^ Sunan Ibn Majah, 52 (Sahih)
- ^ Sahih al-Bukhari, 12